Nama Barang | Wemos D1 mini nodemcu esp8266 arduino support WiFi module |
Harga | Rp 70.000 |
Nama Barang | L298n l298 motor driver module arduino |
Harga | Rp 65.000 |
Nama Barang | 16 in 1 Module Sensor Kit Arduinoo UNO R3 Mega2560 Raspberry pi / Paket sensor raspberry |
Harga | Rp 350.000 |
Nama Barang | 16bit I2C ADS1115 Module ADC 4 Channel With Pro Gain Amplifier Arduino |
Harga | Rp 65.000 |
Anda Hemat | Rp -65.000 (inf%) |
Nama Barang | NRF24L01 with PA and LNA antena wireless module for arduino |
Harga | Rp 70.000 |
Nama Barang | 4 way infrared Tracking line Sensor Module for Aduino Robot Smart Car | sensor garis 4 channel avoidance avoider robot |
Harga | Rp 110.000 |
Nama Barang | Fan module flame robot | kipas robot pemadam api module for arduino |
Harga | Rp 125.000 |
Nama Barang | Ir infrared obstacle avoidance sensor module line follower for arduino |
Harga | Rp 25.000 |