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Fingerprint Sensor for arduino / Sensor sidik jari arduino / mesin absensi sidik jari jogja

Di lihat4869 kali
Berat(/pcs)0.05 Kg
Harga Rp 200.000

Detail Produk Fingerprint Sensor for arduino / Sensor sidik jari arduino / mesin absensi sidik jari jogja

Product Description

Secure your project with biometrics – this all-in-one optical fingerprint sensor will make adding fingerprint detection and verification super simple. These modules are typically used in safes – there’s a high powered DSP chip that does the image rendering, calculation, feature-finding and searching. Connect to any microcontroller or system with TTL serial, and send packets of data to take photos, detect prints, hash and search. You can also enroll new fingers directly – up to 162 finger prints can be stored in the onboard FLASH memory. There’s a red LED in the lens that lights up during a photo so you know its working.

There are basically two requirements for using the optical fingerprint sensor. First is you’ll need to enroll fingerprints – that means assigning ID #’s to each print so you can query them later. Once you’ve enrolled all your prints, you can easily “search”the sensor, asking it to identify which ID (if any) is currently being photographed.

You can enroll using the windows software or with the Arduino sketch.


* Make adding fingerprint detection and verification super simple.
* These modules are typically used in safes – there’s a high powered DSP chip that does the image rendering, calculation, feature-finding and searching.
* Connect to any microcontroller or system with TTL serial, and send packets of data to take photos, detect prints, hash and search.
* You can also enroll new fingers directly – up to 162 finger prints can be stored in the onboard FLASH memory.
* There’s a red LED in the lens that lights up during a photo so you know its working.

Technical Details

  • Supply voltage: 3.6 – 6.0VDC
  • Operating current: 120mA max
  • Peak current: 150mA max
  • Fingerprint imaging time: <1.0 seconds
  • Window area: 14mm x 18mm
  • Signature file: 256 bytes
  • Template file: 512 bytes
  • Storage capacity: 162 templates
  • Safety ratings (1-5 low to high safety)
  • False Acceptance Rate: <0.001% (Security level 3)
  • False Reject Rate: <1.0% (Security level 3)
  • Interface: TTL Serial
  • Baud rate: 9600, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600 (default is 57600)
  • Working temperature rating: -20C to +50C
  • Working humidity: 40%-85% RH
  • Full Dimensions: 56 x 20 x 21.5mm
  • Exposed Dimensions (when placed in box): 21mm x 21mm x 21mm triangular
  • Weight: 20 grams

Package Content:

1 x Fingerprint Reader module for arduino

Video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1diFaa5OsFg&t=29


#Selamat Berbelanja 🙂Optical Fingerprint reader Sensor

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